where the company's products
are exported
are exported
million tons
sales of pipe
products per year
products per year
world largest producers
of tubular products
of tubular products
billion $
of investments in production
in 2005-2018
in 2005-2018
ChelPipe Group is a major player in the Russian metallurgical cluster and one of the largest domestic producers of tubular products.
Innovation cases
Big Data
Application of new mathematical models based on Big Data technologies in production.
new digital methods have been introduced into the processes to optimize the loading of the charge into the electric arc furnace of "Iron Ozone 32" shop.
Laser welding
Technical adaptation of innovative laser welding technology in the production of large diameter pipes.
a laser pipe welding mill was put into operation, a pilot batch of pipes was manufactured, technical specifications were signed with a partner for the manufacture and supply of pipes using laser- welding.
Steelmaker assistant module
Development and implementation of the program module "Steelworker Assistant", which gives advice for optimal fusing.
a reduction in the ferromaterials consumption achieved as well as an increase in the productivity of fusing.
In order to maintain the pace of innovative development Chelpipe Group launches the Corporate Accelerator - a program for the fast-track development of technological startup for the purpose of the following implementation into Chelpipe’s facilities or potential investments.
Benefits for participants
Paid pilot project with Chelpipe Group.
A specific customer for each project from one of the Chelpipe Group’s units.
Individual program of industrial acceleration.
Support from leaders in the metallurgical industry.
Find a customer of your technology in the Chelpipe Group
Program streams
We invite projects aimed at developing of innovative products, new materials or technologies applicable in the pipe industry to take part in the Accelerator.
Projects’ proposed solutions should correspond to one of the streams below.
New innovative products relevant to the pipe industry
New Products and Materials
New pipes and materials
- New types of welded and seamless pipes
- New steel grades for threaded and oil and gas pipelines with high resistance for oil environments containing hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide
New complementary products for pipes (parts, etc.):
- New types of pipe fittings
- New types of stamped parts
- New types of pipe joints for wells to replace traditional threaded joints
New manufacturing technologies
Pipe Production Technologies:
- New technologies for the production of cold-deformed and hot-deformed pipes;
- New technologies for the production of large diameter pipes;
- Hardening technology for threaded pipe ends
- New grease technology for hot rolling tubes;
- New grease technology for hot rolling tubes;
- New ways of threading (molding a threaded part).
- New technologies for connecting oil and gas pipes in the field
- Methods of aligning pipe-cutting and coupling-cutting machines for technological accuracy and assessing the technical condition of nodes
Technologies complementary to the production of pipes (coating, cleaning, etc.)
- New technologies for applying external and internal pipe coatings;
- New thread coating technologies;
- Technologies for cleaning the inner surface of seamless pipes from scale.
- Technologies for cleaning (matting) pipe threads (nipple and coupling).
- Methods for removing galvanic copper plating on couplings.
New technologies for monitoring pipe products
Product traceability systems during production and life cycle (RFID tags, etc.)
Methods for marking semi-finished and finished products with information reading systems in the production of hot-formed and cold-formed seamless pipes.
Smart pipe technologies for remote monitoring of trunk (LDP) and field (NGP) pipelines (including pipe physical condition monitoring systems (sensitive sensors), data processing and transmission systems, Industrial Internet of Things).
Smart pipe technology for remote monitoring of tubing tubing (including pipe physical condition monitoring systems (sensitive sensors), data processing and transmission systems, Industrial Internet of Things).
Development of innovative substitute products for traditional steel pipes or pipe coatings
Products substitutes for steel pipes: reinforced polymer-composite pipes based on polymer matrices (including thermoplastic) and modern fillers (fibers, modifiers) manufactured by extrusion, pultrusion and winding
A new type of coating that improves the consumer characteristics of pipes.
New coatings for threaded joints
New threaded greases.
New technologies and devices for protecting the threaded ends of pipes for the period of transportation and storage at the warehouse (up to 24 months minimum).
New technologies for protecting the outer and inner surfaces of pipes from atmospheric corrosion, including in a marine climate, for the period of transportation and storage at the warehouse (up to 24 months minimum).
Technologies and solutions for integration of smart pipe systems, power and control electric cables, etc. into reinforced polymer-composite pipes
Machine vision systems for existing production in the areas
Production control
Cold and hot-deformed seamless pipes;
Large diameter electric welded pipes;
Contactless measurements:
Geometric dimensions of the pipe;
Geometric dimensions of the thread of pipes and couplings;
Visual control of the presence and correctness of labeling.
Ecological production ("white metallurgy")
Use of energy-efficient equipment / energy-efficient technologies in pipe production
Technologies for the processing of waste pipes and steelmaking
Project stage
Prototype and higher. An experimental prototype is manufactured and tested.
Economic effect
Project implementation should bring measurable economic effect.
Implementation possibility
Implementation should be possible into the current production facilities of Chelpipe Group.
Project requirements
Event calendar
Application submission
15 January – 31 March 2020
#GENSTalks in Moscow
February 20th 2020
Projects expertise
1 April – 15 May 2020
beginning of June 2020
Acceleration program
June - November 2020
Demo Day
27 November 2020
Anton Bilguvarovich
Anton Bilguvarovich
Head of New Products Division
Maria Vadimovna
Maria Vadimovna
Leading Project Management Specialist
Alexey Vladimirovich
Alexey Vladimirovich
Head of the project implementation department for new types of industrial pipes
Victor Vladimirovich
Victor Vladimirovich
Project Manager "Organization of the production of polymer-composite pipes"
Anastasia Igorevna
Anastasia Igorevna
Leading Research Engineer
Marina Alexandrovna
Marina Alexandrovna
Head of New Pipe Coating Group
Alexander Alekseevich
Alexander Alekseevich
Head of the Center for Mathematical Modeling and Artificial Intelligence
Sergey Vladimirovich
Sergey Vladimirovich
Head of Project Implementation Department "Integrated Well Support"
Natalya Anatolevna
Natalya Anatolevna
Leading Research Engineer
Alexander Nikolaevich
Alexander Nikolaevich
Head of Project Management Department
Arkady Petrovich
Arkady Petrovich
Chief Specialist (Premium Service)
Sergey Viktorovich
Sergey Viktorovich
Head of LDP Project Implementation Department
Elena Vladislavovna
Elena Vladislavovna
Head of Internal Communications
Anna Vladimirovna
Anna Vladimirovna
Head of Human Resources
Alla Alekseevna
Alla Alekseevna
Leading Specialist
Tatyana Alexandrovna
Tatyana Alexandrovna
Head of Press Service
Sergey Alexandrovich
Sergey Alexandrovich
Head of Economic Security
Elena Alexandrovna
Elena Alexandrovna
Lead Counsel
Marina Mikhailovna
Marina Mikhailovna
Deputy CEO of operational excellence
Ekaterina Pavlovna
Ekaterina Pavlovna
UZU Manager
Head of digital marketing and e-commerce department

Do I have to share confidential information?
- No. Only enter the information in your application that you can share without an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).
I represent 2 projects. Can I submit multiple applications?
- Yes. The number of applications is unlimited, but a separate profile must be registered for each project.
Can I meet you in person and receive feedback about my project?
Occasionally, the accelerator team takes part in partner events and organizes our own #GENSTalks, where you can approach the team members for a consultation. Please follow us on our website and in social networks.
Moscow , Skolkovo Innovation Center, ul. Nobel, 1
petrova.es@rvc.ru —
Ekaterina Petrova, Director of corporate accelerator
lazarchuk.ka@rvc.ru —
Kirill Lazarchuk, Project Manager
martynova.iv@rvc.ru —
Irina Martynova, Head of corporate direction
admin@generation-startup.ru —
Technical support
Join Chelpipe accelerator